Saturday, 27 June 2015

Nazi Germany & Jehadi Pakistan!

By Tipu Salman Makhdoom

Brainwashing is a technique of influencing mind. When an assertion is repeated again and again as a gospel truth without allowing difference of opinion, mind gets numb after a while and takes the assertion as truth. And if an organized group exercises this technique on a large group or society, a hysteria occurs. But the best, actually the worst, results occur when this technique is applied on children.

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Students! Flunk Exams!

by Tipu Salman Makhdoom

Your academic degrees and medals are going to dishonor you in the real world. Unless you stop grabbing good grades. I am not kidding.

Monday, 15 June 2015

We The Donkey Drivers

By Tipu Salman Makhdoom

We do not drive like reasonable drivers, we drive like crazy creatures.

We don't drive cars like machines, we drive cars like donkey carts. 

Friday, 12 June 2015

Death Penalty; A Pakistani Perspective




Tipu Salman Makhdoom*

Death Penalty is not really an issue in Pakistan. Mostly because it’s an ideological state, Constitutionally having a religion which clearly provides for death penalty. In addition to this ideological check, there is also a Constitutional check. Constitution of Pakistan states that all laws need to confirm to Islam and Supreme Court of Pakistan says that among others, this part of Constitution constitutes the ‘Basic Structure’ of the Constitution which cannot be amended, even by adopting the procedure that Constitution itself provides for its amendment!
After making a jurisprudential argument in favour of abolition of death penalty, this paper explores the ideological and Constitutional checks in Pakistan legal system locking the death penalty in the system. In the end, an argument is made that in addition to taking the political course, a legal path can be taken to abolish the death penalty in Pakistan, without violating the Constitutional check; legal fiction.

Monday, 8 June 2015

Rohingya Muslims? Shut Up Pakistan!

by Tipu Salman Makhdoom

Rohingya Muslims are ethnically Bengalis. After first Anglo-Burmese war in 1892, British annexed a part of Burma (Myanmar) and encouraged migrations from Bengal to work as farm labourers. And they continued to live there.

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Death of Two Nation Theory!

By Tipu Salman Makhdoom

Pakistan is based on Two Nation Theory

Right and wrong. Right that Pakistan was created on the basis of two nation theory, but wrong that it still exists on it.

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Death: The Most Profitable Business

By Tipu Salman Makhdoom

Which are the most profitable businesses of the world? Neither creative, nor productive nor even entertaining; but the ones related to Death. Lots of it!

Two most profitable industries of the world are weapons and pharmaceuticals. One gets money to give us power of inflicting death on others, while the other takes our money in exchange for avoiding it. And we give a lots and lots of money to both of them, in exchange of lots and lots of deaths; and avoiding it.

The most profitable business of the world is weapons industry. Although the big chunks of profit in it comes from big time weapons, like fighter jets and tanks, etc, their demand increases during the times of wars